3 Commonly Asked Auto Mechanic Questions
Auto mechanics have a tough job. They have to watch as customers bring in their vehicles with all sorts of issues, some of them preventable, and they often have to break the bad news that the repairs will cost more than the customer can bear. If you're one of those people who doesn't know the difference between a starter and an alternator, these commonly asked questions may help you understand some common car issues.
Why Is An Oil Change So Important? -- Motor oil is the lubricating mechanism for nearly every moving part in your vehicle. If you don't change the oil at the recommended intervals, the oil gets dirty (visible by its dark colour when you check the oil gauge) and dirt accumulates in your engine, which can cause engine seizure or engine failure, both of which are likely to make your vehicle not only inoperable, but in many cases, not worth repairing. When there's no lubrication, engine parts have nothing to prevent friction and they will wear down more quickly. In addition, clean motor oil gets rid of engine sludge, which can affect your vehicle's performance.
Most cars use standard motor oil, but some high-performance cars are better off with synthetic oil, which provides increased gas mileage and a longer time period between oil changes. Most mechanics recommend that you change the oil in your vehicle every 8,000 kilometres.
Why Is It Important To Rotate Tyres? -- Tyre rotation is important because your front tyres take a beating during the normal course of driving due to the fact that they bear the weight of turning more than rear tyres. Tyre rotation is the process by which an auto mechanic switches your front and rear tyres in order to provide even wear for your vehicle. Vehicles that wear evenly tend to handle better on the road. Rotation also extends the life of your tyres.
What Services Are Provided During A Scheduled Maintenance? -- During a scheduled maintenance, an auto mechanic will perform a tune-up, which includes:
- replacing the spark plugs
- checking the oil to ensure that it's clean and topped up
- checking all your hoses and belts
- checking the battery and cables
- checking the transmission oil
- replacing the timing belt
- flushing your brake fluid and adding more
- inspecting your brakes
- replacing the air filters
- adding windshield fluid for your wipers
Scheduled maintenance is one of the best ways for you to avoid a massive vehicle breakdown that can cost thousands. For more information, contact an auto shop like Quickstop Brake & Clutch Centre.