Safety Tips For Lone Women Drivers Whilst Awaiting Roadside Recovery
Taking out a roadside services policy certainly gives you peace of mind in the event that your car breaks down. But being stranded in the middle of nowhere can be frightening, especially for lone women drivers. Here are some tips on how to stay safe while awaiting the arrival of your recovery towing service.
Minor roads and in the outback
- If you are driving in the dark and you experience a problem, try to pull over near to a streetlight if possible. This makes your car more visible to the roadside recovery firm and to other motorists.
- Switch on your hazard lights and set your headlights to dipped beam.
- Now call your roadside recovery firm, remembering to emphasise that you are female and on your own in the car. Although the recovery firm will locate you by using your mobile phone signal, try to give as many details about your position as you can. Leave your phone switched on and in a position where it's easily reached.
- Call a friend or family member to tell them what's happened and where you are.
- If you have a warning triangle in your car, set it about 10 metres behind your vehicle. Only do this if it's safe to do so; i.e., if the road is quiet and certainly not if you are stranded on a motorway or busy 'A' road.
- If you have broken down in a on a minor road or in a remote, outback area, the safest place to be while you are waiting to be rescued is inside your vehicle with the windows closed and the doors locked.
Motorway breakdowns
- If you have car trouble on a motorway, try to steer your vehicle onto the hard shoulder, keeping as close to the edge of the road as possible. There are emergency police phones positioned at frequent intervals along the motorway shoulder, and if possible, try to coast your car alongside one of these. Use the emergency phone to notify the police of your situation, and then call your recovery service, using your mobile phone. Under these circumstances it's not safe to stay in your car, as other traffic will be travelling at very high speeds and accidents do sometimes occur where stranded vehicles are 'rear-ended'. Get out of your car and move as far away from the road as you can, preferably up onto the roadside embankment.
- If you have children in the car, take them with you to safety. However, pets should be left in your car; frightened animals running loose on the motorway could cause a serious accident.
- Never accept a lift or assistance from anyone other than the recovery services firm or the police. Always ask for identification from the recovery vehicle driver.
In conclusion
Roadside recovery insurance is a must if you are a women driver and you cover many miles in your car. If you are unlucky enough to suffer a breakdown, follow the tips above to stay safe while you wait for roadside services to arrive.